It has now been four months. I can't believe that. It's crazy how much faster the second birth goes. And 20 weeks means that I am HALF way there! This month has been kind of busy so that probably has something to do with it going faster. And the fact that everything isn't such a novelty anymore. I've done this before. James turned two on the 14th. So crazy. He is getting so big and will be saying full sentences in no time. He just tries to copy like every word I say right now. It is sooo cute, really jumbled and slurred but so cute. I have been feeling really good but this has definitely been an emotional pregnancy for me. I think it's been hard on Justin with all the crying I've been doing but I just tell him I need to cry and he let's me and tries to not let it worry him. At the Birth Center, I have been going to these group sessions with all the girls that have due dates around the time of mine and that has been fun. I love the Birth Center. I love my midwife and I'm just barely getting to know all the girls there but they all seem really nice too. It's really great to have someone to talk to about more natural methods of just about everything: birthing, vaccines, diapering. I don't seem like such an eccentric there. But they are really excepting of the people who choose more modern routes.
And...for the exciting news... I HAD MY ULTRASOUND yesterday! Oh my gosh it was amazing. Justin and James came too and we got to find out that we are having a baby GIRL!!! YAY!! We are so excited. We really wanted a girl. Just because we have a boy. And of course you absolutely love whatever God gives you but we really are just sooo excited. I can hardly stand it. I so badly want to go shop for cute clothes and ribbons and bows. There is actually a lot that needs to be purchased since there isn't a whole lot of James old things be can use. His bottles and gender neutral onesies and things like that we will of course. Justin was so nervous like the whole day before we found out. He had a hard time sleeping and everything. He just thinks too much. And, I was thinking that it actually takes a lot of stress off because if we didn't have a girl this time....then next time we would REALLY want a girl. We literally didn't have a single boys name that we loved but for girls we have like four that we agree on and really like. Hm...maybe that will actually make it harder. Still have a ways to go luckily (and not so luckily) so we have time to decided. June 11th. That really does sound far away. I'm really excited to have a summer baby. Fun birthday parties!
The names we have agreed on so far are Hallie (or Halee, Halle, Haley), Emmalee, Zoey (Zoe with the dots over the "o" but not sure yet because that sounds kind of foreign), or Delanie (possibly Delaney but probably not). It's surprised me how many of the names I've come up with, Justin has actually agreed with because that sure was not the case with James. Me and Justin have been getting along fantastically, minus a few freakouts I've had since being pregnant, but he has been ultra-understanding. I really love him. He has been so great. Such a great dad, such a great husband. He's worked really hard at work and at school that he's just started. I really just appreciate everything he does so that I can do what I do. And, another really exciting thing.... Justin has QUIT SMOKING and hasn't had a cigarette in a whole month now. That is so amazing. I think that I had just excepted that he would probably never quit but he has. Seems so sureal to me. I think technically they say your not 'out of the woods' until like three months without, but STILL that's quite an accomplishment. I am so proud of him.