Monday, June 13, 2011

Current Affairs

A lot has gone on in the last year of so. First of all Justin graduated from Provo College and has been working as a Pharmacy Technician since June of last year. He has not always enjoyed the world of drug addicts and just customer service in general but it has been a good job from him and loves the people that he works with. He works at Smiths Pharmacy in Heber. Also I grateduated from Paul Mitchell Cosmetology school December of '10 and have been working out of my home, which I love. James had his first birthday last January and he is getting so big. He has hit the terrible two's at the ripe old age of seventeen months. He's as darling as ever...just into everything. Also I plan to attempt potty trainging within the next month of so. Scary. Justin plans to work fultime this summer and then in the fall he plans to return to school to study Accounting. I on the other hand plan on enjoying my summer to the very fullest.haha. It has really been amazing not to HAVE to do anything. I love being a mom. It is THE most fulfilling work I've done. James is my little pal and it's so nice that I have no obligations to tear me away from him. But, as of right now I do have a little something to keep my mind occupied. My mom and dad and I have decided to build a family reunion/reception/event center. We have already purchased the land and have had a engineer designing the basic structure of our Center. He just recently finished and we are ready to turn the plans in. It is really going to be amazing. After my mom and I planned my wedding, we loved it. We felt like experts, even though we are far from it. So we decided that's what we would like to do. Create a center to hold receptions and solve all the things that we found disappointing in our plans. Such as large indoor/outdoor locations and freedom to do with the space you want. No requirements, no minimum fees. Just a simple rent the space and do what you want with it. Before long, we'll be clearing the land. I am beyond excited. I have also been discussing taking some online classes. I just really like to be learning. That sounds nerdy but I really do. As far as hair goes, I've been doing it fairly regularly. With all the weddings going on and such. And I do a good amount of hair in my ward which is nice. It is pretty relaxed though, perfect for me. And that wraps up current affairs in the Luke family.

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